Friday, November 9, 2007

Old OJ back in court

OJ simpson is finding himself back in the courtroom after a new set of criminal charges. These aren't as severe as his first landing in court, but they could possibly lead to prison time. The story really isn't real clear at this time, but it has something to do with OJ and a couple friends trying to recover some stolen memorabilia. Supposedly one of the men had a gun, but OJ did not.

I don't think OJ should get punished for this one if the details are right that I have seen. If the memorabilia was indeed stolen from his trophy room, then he should be able to get it back. The cops were contacted according to the news out, but they didn't show much interest in the matter. OJ didn't have a gun, and didn't tell anyone to bring a gun supposedly, so he really shouldn't be the one to take the hit on this one. Simpson doesn't have the best record, so that could work against him on this one.

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