Monday, November 5, 2007

Criminal has leg fall off while running from police

This happened earlier in the year in California, but I just read it today and thought it was pretty funny. A man was arrested after he and an accomplice of his used a chain and a pickup truck to yank an ATM machine away.

The men broke into a little store where the ATM was, threw a chain around the machine, and used the truck to pull it out from its spot. After they broke it loose, they loaded it into their truck and took off.

Officers started chasing them after they drove into a dead end street in a residential area.
One of the criminals managed to escape, but the other one wasn't so lucky. He took on foot, and his prosthetic leg fell off. This made him a sitting duck for the police, and the arrested him with ease.

I can't say I've ever heard of trying to pull an ATM away with a truck. I suppose it is an interesting idea, but its kinda hard to smash your way into a store and then pull an ATM away without making noise and people noticing. I wonder how much money is in one of those machines anyways....

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