Friday, November 30, 2007

Boy sleeps with snake?

I was hearing some news today about a young boy and a massive python. This python is his pet, and he rides around on it, cuddles with it, and even sleeps with it. It is a twenty foot long python, and the boy is only six years old.

This is located in Cambodia, and I thought it was pretty interesting. I'm sure most people would be afraid that they would wake up inside the snake after sleeping with it for a night, but this boy seems to have a friendly relationship with the snake, and the snake never does any harm to him. If this was in the United States, the boy would probably be taken away from his parents for allowing such practice, but I think it is interesting how they have this bond.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

teen gets stuck in chimney

This is one of my favorite bits of news that I've ever read about. There was a teen that got stuck in the chimney trying to enter the house like good old Santa Claus. He was trying to sneak back into his room since he was coming in after curfew to a social services room. He got stuck and the firefighter and police teams had to get him out. Luckily, he didn't really get hurt other that scratches on his back.

This was a seventeen year old teen, so I wouldn't think he would try such a crazy idea, but I guess he was really worried about getting busted. Generally, you can't sneak into a building though the chimney. It's designed to prevent that or else they would get criminal and such possibly coming in to all kinds of places. He will have to have a plan B next time that doesn't involve the chimney.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

1959 Lincoln- Hybrid???

I wonder what the Lincoln designers would think if they saw Neil Young's soon-to-be hybrid 1959 Lincoln. I found this bit of news to be interesting and also a bit funny. There is a new company out there that appeals to the wealthy group of people by offering to switch their old engine to a new, more efficient and environmentally friendly one or hybrid system. Neil's Lincoln is a huge car that guzzles gas like crazy and is pretty lucky to get ten miles per gallon. However, when this current engine is switched out for an electric system with bio diesel generator, it will hit numbers such as one hundred miles a gallon.

There has been no shortage of customers, and they can opt for bio diesel engines, hybrid engines , and probably a variety of other options. The cost most likely isn't worth it in terms of actually saving money from gas since this service costs quite a bit, but for rich people with tons of money to burn that are concerned about the environment, this appeals to them.

This company is named H-Line conversions, and it is ran by Jonathan Goodwin. The company appears to be getting plenty of requests made from customers, and they must do good work to be getting so much attention. I like their idea and find it to be quite interesting. It is definitely a different idea for a company, but having unique qualities can bring in the money if you can appeal to the wealthy class which this man has done.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ham soda anyone?

How does a nice, refreshing ham soda sound to quench your thirst? Or how about Sugar Plum, Christmas Tree, or Egg Nog flavored soda? If so, they will be available for this years Christmas season. If those flavors don't strike your fancy, perhaps you would be interested in the Hanukkah pack. This pack comes with such flavors as Apple Sauce, Jelly Doughnut, Chocolate Coins and also Latkes sodas.These are being produced by Jones Soda co., which is located in Seattle and known for producing a very odd variety of sodas.

Jones Soda co. has produced other odd flavors in the past, so they are not new at this game. Last year they had some different sodas such as Sweet Potato, and Antacid soda, neither which sounds too appealing. I think I'll have to pass on these odd sodas myself.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Another lost leg....except on the beach this time

It's not too often that you find a fake leg washed up on the beach with a sock and shoe still on it, but one was just found on a beach in Pinella's county, Florida. A college student was the lucky finder of this rare oddity. I'm sure he got a good surprise when he discovered such an object.

I don't really know how someone could lose there leg and leave it laying on the beach or have it fall off in the depths of the ocean. Perhaps they may find out the story and who it belongs to since they are currently advertising this leg in the local newspaper in hope of finding the rightful owner. I can't see I have ever seen such a story as this one, but hopefully the owner gets to see the ad for his leg and eventually gets it back.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Stopping piracy...ahahhahahaha

So now the movie industry is getting aggravated with piracy just like the music industry. They are trying to target universities as one medium to stop the spread of piracy with peer to peer downloads and such.

There is a bill that will force universities to form a plan to create alternatives to piracy, but it has not been passed thus far. They will have to promote alternatives to piracy such as Ruckus and other programs, and maybe other methods also.

I don't think their goals will see much benefit even if the bill does get passed. Piracy is pretty much unstoppable in my opinion, and I don't believe these extreme efforts will show enough results to justify the work put into them.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Stalker of Conan?

I thought this one was pretty amusing. It looks like Conan got himself a fan that wants to be just a little too obsessive. A priest is going to be in court facing charges relating to stalking Conan O'Brien. I don't know what it is with all these fruity priests these days. I guess it's better to stalk an adult than take advantage of young children though.

This person is thought to have some mental problems, and I would have to say there is a good chance that he does. He attended Harvard at the same time Conan did, but it's not known if that fact has anything to do with this. There are some crazy people out there, and this is a pretty good example of one.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Old OJ back in court

OJ simpson is finding himself back in the courtroom after a new set of criminal charges. These aren't as severe as his first landing in court, but they could possibly lead to prison time. The story really isn't real clear at this time, but it has something to do with OJ and a couple friends trying to recover some stolen memorabilia. Supposedly one of the men had a gun, but OJ did not.

I don't think OJ should get punished for this one if the details are right that I have seen. If the memorabilia was indeed stolen from his trophy room, then he should be able to get it back. The cops were contacted according to the news out, but they didn't show much interest in the matter. OJ didn't have a gun, and didn't tell anyone to bring a gun supposedly, so he really shouldn't be the one to take the hit on this one. Simpson doesn't have the best record, so that could work against him on this one.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

New Police Roundup

Some police in North Dakota found a new way to round up suspects that most people wouldn't have imagined police doing before. By using a celebrity as bait, thirty suspects were caught and arrested.

Police sent out invitations to five hundred people and said Ozzy would be the star guest at this party. Thirty out of five hundred wasn't a very good percentage, but it was still fairly effective. This news got back to Ozzy, and he wasn't too pleased though.

I think it is a funny way to round up criminals and should be used more often. Using celebrities to bait suspects in doesn't hurt anybody, and it would make for a safer community, but I don't see this tactic being used very often, and I don't think I will in the future either.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Criminal has leg fall off while running from police

This happened earlier in the year in California, but I just read it today and thought it was pretty funny. A man was arrested after he and an accomplice of his used a chain and a pickup truck to yank an ATM machine away.

The men broke into a little store where the ATM was, threw a chain around the machine, and used the truck to pull it out from its spot. After they broke it loose, they loaded it into their truck and took off.

Officers started chasing them after they drove into a dead end street in a residential area.
One of the criminals managed to escape, but the other one wasn't so lucky. He took on foot, and his prosthetic leg fell off. This made him a sitting duck for the police, and the arrested him with ease.

I can't say I've ever heard of trying to pull an ATM away with a truck. I suppose it is an interesting idea, but its kinda hard to smash your way into a store and then pull an ATM away without making noise and people noticing. I wonder how much money is in one of those machines anyways....

Saturday, November 3, 2007

You made my pig fat

A woman wants to file charges against a person that took care of her pet potbellied pig when she went on medical leave. The pig weighed fifty pounds when she left, and nine months later it ballooned out to 150 pounds. Sounds like the story of the typical American to me. I don't see how you can let a pig go from 50 pounds to 150 pounds in three months. They must have been feeding it a strict diet of burger king and mcdonalds.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Secret Mall Apartment

How would you like to live in a hidden apartment in a mall for free for four years? In Rhode Island somebody did just that. They had a sofa, television, electricity....pretty nice luxuries for free if you ask me. I don't know how they pulled it off for four years though. That and getting a sofa past security is pretty impressive. All he got was probation for trespassing, so that is a pretty good trade of for four years of free rent. The only luxury they didn't have was running water, so they just used the mall bathroom.